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ᐄᔨᑭᐹᐦᑖᐤ (iiyikipaahtaau)
s/he walks with legs apart

ᐄᔨᑭᒥᓈᐦᑎᒄ (iiyikiminaahtikw)
swamp red currant bush Ribes triste

ᐄᔨᑭᒥᓐᐦ (iiyikiminh)
smooth red currants Ribes triste, literally 'frog berries'

ᐄᔨᑭᔅᑎᓯᒡ (iiyikistisich)

ᐄᔨᑭᔅᑳᒋᓯᐤ (iiyikiskaachisiu)
it (anim, sheet-like) is wide

ᐄᔨᑭᔅᒋᓯᐤ (iiyikischisiu)
it (anim) is wide

ᐄᔨᑭᔥᑭᒨ (iiyikishkimuu)
it is wide (ex path) (also used for something attached onto something, ex. trimming, border)

ᐄᔨᑭᔥᑳᐤ (iiyikishkaau)
it is wide

ᐄᔨᑭᔥᑳᐹᑭᓐ (iiyikishkaapaakin)
it (string-like) is wide

ᐄᔨᑭᔥᑳᐹᒋᓯᐤ (iiyikishkaapaachisiu)
it (anim, string-like) is wide

ᐄᔨᑭᔥᑳᑭᓐ (iiyikishkaakin)
it (sheet-like) is wide

ᐄᔨᑭᔥᑳᔅᑯᓐ (iiyikishkaaskun)
it (stick-like) is wide

ᐄᔨᑭᔥᑳᔅᑯᓯᐤ (iiyikishkaaskusiu)
it (anim, stick-like) is wide

ᐄᔨᑭᔥᒑᒋᐧᐃᓐ (iiyikishchaachiwin)
the rapids are wide

ᐄᔨᑭᔨᒥᐦᑖᐤ (iiyikiyimihtaau)
s/he is used to doing it

ᐄᔨᑭᔮᐧᐄᐤ (iiyikiyaawiiu)
s/he, it (anim) gains physical skill through repeated action

ᐄᔨᑭᔮᔮᔨᐦᑎᒻ (iiyikiyaayaayihtim)
s/he is familiar with it, knowledgable, used to it

ᐄᔨᑭᔮᔮᔨᒫᐤ (iiyikiyaayaayimaau)
s/he, it (anim) is used to, familiar with her/him, it (anim)

ᐄᔨᑯᐃᔥᑯᔑᐹᑎᒻ (iiyikuishkushipaatim)
black scoter duck Melanitta nigra

ᐄᔨᑯᐧᐃᔅᒑᓂᒻ (iiyikuwischaanim)
s/he packs sand around the lower edge of the dwelling

ᐄᔨᑯᐱᔨᐤ (iiyikupiyiu)
it clouds over

ᐄᔨᑯᑖᔥᑎᓐ (iiyikutaashtin)
it is covered by blowing snow

ᐄᔨᑯᓂᓰᐧᐃᒡ (iiyikunisiiwich)
the waves are rolling in

ᐄᔨᑯᓂᔅᑳᐤ (iiyikuniskaau)
the covers on the top of the dwelling are high

ᐄᔨᑯᔅᑯᓐ (iiyikuskun)
the sky is covered with clouds, it is overcast

ᐄᔨᑳᑎᒻ (iiyikaatim)
s/he packs snow around the lower edge of the dwelling

ᐄᔨᑳᓂᐦᒡ (iiyikaanihch)
the outside of the dwelling where the snow has been piled around it

ᐄᔨᑳᓈᓯᐤ (iiyikaanaasiu)
s/he is infected

ᐄᔨᒃ (iiyik)

ᐄᔨᒋᓂᒻ (iiyichinim)
s/he squeezes it out

ᐄᔨᒋᓈᐤ (iiyichinaau)
s/he squeezes it (anim) out

ᐄᔨᒋᓈᔥᑭᐧᐋᐤ (iiyichinaashkiwaau)
s/he goes to each one of them (anim)

ᐄᔨᒋᓈᔥᑭᒻ (iiyichinaashkim)
s/he passes them one by one

ᐄᔨᒑᐤ (iiyichaau)
s/he puts snow around the bottom of the dwelling

ᐄᔨᒥᓈᐦᑎᒄ (iiyiminaahtikw)
blueberry bush Vaccinium sp

ᐄᔨᒥᓐᐦ (iiyiminh)
blueberries Vaccinium sp.

ᐄᔨᒦᒋᐧᐋᐦᑉ (iiyimiichiwaahp)

ᐄᔨᒦᒋᒻ (iiyimiichim)
country food, traditional Cree food

ᐄᔨᓯᓂᔅᒑᐤ (iiyisinischaau)
s/he talks with her/his hands, sign language

ᐄᔨᔅᑰ (iiyiskuu)
the appearance of clouds signal warm weather after a very cold spell

ᐄᔨᔅᒋᐦᒄ (iiyischihkw)
copper pail

ᐄᔨᔅᒋᓯᓐᐦ (iiyischisinh)
moose, caribou hide moccasins

ᐄᔨᔅᒑᓂᒻ (iiyischaanim)
s/he packs ground around the lower edge of the dwelling

ᐄᔨᔑᑉ (iiyiship)
any inland duck

ᐄᔨᔥᑯᑖᐤ (iiyishkutaau)
open fire

ᐄᔨᔨᐅᐧᐋᔨᐦᑎᒧᐧᐃᓐ (iiyiyiuwaayihtimuwin)
Cree way of thinking

ᐄᔨᔨᐅᑖᔥᑎᒥᐦᐧᑳᓯᐤ (iiyiyiutaashtimihkwaasiu)
long-eared owl Asio otus

ᐄᔨᔨᐅᑭᒥᑯᔥ (iiyiyiukimikush)

ᐄᔨᔨᐅᑭᒥᒄ (iiyiyiukimikw)
aboriginal friendship centre

ᐄᔨᔨᐅᒡ ᐅᒌᔑᑳᒥᐧᐋᐤ (iiyiyiuch uchiishikaamiwaau)
National Aboriginal Day