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Glosses (123)
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ᐧᐋᐦᐧᐋᐅᒦᒋᒻ waahwaaumiichim
edible parts of the blue goose or wavey, literally 'blue goose food'
ᐅᑎᒥᑖᔥᑯᔨᐤ utimitaashkuyiu
s/he is full (of food) before a meal, eats which prevents her/him from doing something
ᐋᐳᑎᓈᐤ aaputinaau
beaver prepared by removing bones so flesh is in one piece, sewn close, turned inside out, blown up so it is round, and cooked on a string
ᐲᐦᑎᐦᐧᐋᐤ piihtihwaau
s/he puts it (anim) into something, gives her/him a second helping of food
ᑭᐧᓈᐹᒋᓈᐤ kinwaapaachinaau
s/he gives her/him, it (anim) just enough food to keep her/him, it (anim) alive
ᐧᑳᔅᐧᑳᐳᑎᓈᐤ kwaaskwaaputinaau
beaver prepared by removing bones so flesh is in one piece, turned inside out and cooked on a string beside an open fire
ᒌᐧᐋᐦᑎᐧᑖᓲ chiiwaahtitwaasuu
s/he takes home something for her/himself (ex food from another place)
ᐊᒎᐧᑳᐦᐊᒫᓲ achuukwaahamaasuu
s/he reduces the amount in the container by scooping some out for herself/himself
ᐯᑖᐳᑯᑎᓲ petaapukutisuu
s/he brings home a large amount of food from hunting by toboggan, sled