- ᒉᐧᑳᓐ ᒣᓯᓇᑌᒡ
- ᐄᓅᐤ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ
- ᐁᐦ ᑲᑕᑕᐹᓂᓯᓇᐦᐄᑲᓄᐧᐃᐦᐧᑳᐤ ᐄᓅᐤ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ
- ᐄᔨᔫ / ᐄᓅᔨᒨᓐᐦ (English)
- Parts of speech
- Credits
- ᐧᐄᒋᐦᐄᐧᐁᐧᐃᓐ
- How to use this dictionary
ᒉᒄ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᐧᐋ ᐋᐸᒋᐦᑖᔨᓐ᙮
ᐧᐁᔦᔨᐦᑦᐦ ᐁ ᐄᔨᔫ / ᐄᓅᔥᑌᒡ, roman, French ᓀᔥᑦ English.
ᐁᑎᑑ ᐧᐄ ᓈᓂᑑᑲᒋᔅᒉᔨᐦᑕᒪᓀ, ᑖᐦᒋᓐᐦ᙮ ᑖᓐ ᐊᓐ ᐧᐁᐦᒉᒡ ᒉ ᐅᑎᓂᒪᓐ ᑖᓐ ᓀᑐᐧᐁᔨᐦᑕᒪᓐ᙮
ᒌᔅᒌᓐ (ᑖᐦᑲᐦᐊᐦ) ᐊᓐ ᒉ ᓈᓂᑕᐧᐁᔨᐦᑕᒨᒪᑲᐦᒡ.
ᒣᓯᓇᐦᐄᒉᐸᔨᐦᑖᔨᓐᐦ ᐄᔨᔫ/ᐄᓅ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ:
ᑦᐦ ᓂᑑᐧᐁᔨᐦᑕᒪᓀ ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᒉᐸᔨᐦᑖᐦ t-h
ᔅᐦ ᓂᑑᐧᐁᔨᐦᑕᒪᓀ ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᒉᐸᔨᐦᑖᐦ s-h
ᑉᐦ ᓂᑑᐧᐁᔨᐦᑕᒪᓀ ᒪᓯᓇᐦᐄᒉᐸᔨᐦᑖᐦ p-h
ᐱᔮᐸᔨᐦᐧᑳᐤᐦ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ, ᒉ ᑖᐦᑲᐦᐊᒪᓐ ᐊᓐ ᐧᐁᐦᒉᒡ ᒦᓐ ᐁᑎᑑ ᐧᐋ ᓈᓂᑑᑲᒋᔅᒉᔨᐦᑕᒪᓐ᙮
ᐧᐋᐸᐦᑕᒪᓀ ᐁᑳ ᑯᐃᔅᒄ ᐃᒋᔥᑌᒡ, ᓀᔥᑦ ᒫᒃ ᐁᑳ ᐃᐦᑕᑯᐦᐧᑳᐤᐦ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ, ᒉ ᐧᐄᐦᑕᒧᐧᐃᐧᑖᐤ ᐊᓂᒌ ᐊᐧᐁᓂᒌ ᑳ ᑯᐃᔅᑯᓯᓇᐦᐊᐧᑳᐤ᙮ (ayimuwin@eastcree.org).
ᐃᑕᐦᐆᑖᓲ (itahuutaasuu)
s/he transports things by boat, plane

ᐃᑕᐦᐆᔦᐤ (itahuuyeu)
s/he takes him/her it (anim) there by canoe

ᐃᑕᐦᐊᒣᐤ (itahameu)
s/he/it (anim) takes a step a certain way

ᐃᑕᐦᐊᒧᐧᐁᐤ (itahamuweu)
s/he sings a song to him/her

ᐃᑕᐦᐊᒫᓲ (itahamaasuu)
s/he sings a certain way

ᐃᑕᐦᐊᒻ (itaham)
s/he/it (anim, ex tractor) breaks it up (ex the earth)

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᐁᐤ (itahweu)
s/he/it (anim) breaks it (anim) up

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑌᑲᓐᐦ (itahtwekanh)
there are so many layers of it (sheet-like, pl)

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑌᒋᐦᑎᓐᐦ (itahtwechihtinh)
there are so many layers of it (sheet-like)

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑌᒋᓀᐤ (itahtwechineu)
s/he holds so many of it (anim, sheet-like)

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑌᒋᓇᒻ (itahtwechinam)
s/he holds so many of it (sheet-like)

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑌᒋᓱᐧᐃᒡ (itahtwechisuwich)
there are so many layers of it (anim, sheet-like)

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑌᒋᔥᑯᐧᐁᐤ (itahtwechishkuweu)
s/he puts so many layers of it (anim) on his/her body

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑌᒋᔥᑲᒻ (itahtwechishkam)
s/he puts so many layers of it on his body

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᐯᑲᓐᐦ (itahtwaapekanh)
there are a certain number of things (string-like)

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᐯᒋᓱᐧᐃᒡ (itahtwaapechisuwich)
there are so many things (anim, string-like)

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᐯᒡ (itahtwaapech)
so many, a certain number of things (string-like)

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᐱᐦᑳᑌᐤ (itahtwaapihkaateu)
s/he ties a certain number of them (anim ex dogs) together

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᐱᐦᑳᑌᐤᐦ (itahtwaapihkaateuh)
there are a certain number of things tied together

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᐱᐦᑳᑕᒻ (itahtwaapihkaatam)
s/he ties a certain number of things together

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᐱᔅᑳᐤᐦ (itahtwaapiskaauh)
there are a certain number of (stone, metal) things

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᐱᔅᒋᓱᐧᐃᒡ (itahtwaapischisuwich)
they (anim, stone, metal) are a certain number

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᐱᔅᒡ (itahtwaapisch)
the number of stone, metal things needed

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᔅᑯᓐᐦ (itahtwaaskunh)
there are a certain number of (stick-like) things

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᔅᑯᓱᐧᐃᒡ (itahtwaaskusuwich)
there is a certain number of them (anim, stick-like)

ᐃᑕᐦᐧᑖᔅᒄ (itahtwaaskw)
so many, a certain number of stick-like things

ᐃᑕᐦᐱᑌᐤ (itahpiteu)
s/he ties it (anim) in a certain way

ᐃᑕᐦᐱᑕᒻ (itahpitam)
s/he ties it in a certain way

ᐃᑕᐦᑎᓐ (itahtin)
there are a certain number

ᐃᑕᐦᑐᐦᐁᐤ (itahtuheu)
s/he makes a certain number of them (anim)

ᐃᑕᐦᑐᐦᑏ (itahtuhtii)
a certain number of dollars

ᐃᑕᐦᑐᐦᑖᐤ (itahtuhtaau)
s/he makes a certain number of them (anim)

ᐃᑕᐦᑐᐳᓀᓲ (itahtupunesuu)
it (anim) is ...X ...years old

ᐃᑕᐦᑐᐳᓐᐦ (itahtupunh)
X number of years

ᐃᑕᐦᑐᑌᓅ (itahtutenuu)
there are a certain number of families

ᐃᑕᐦᑐᔥᑕᐧᐁᔮᐤ (itahtushtaweyaau)
there are a certain number of beaver lodges in the area

ᐃᑕᐦᑕᒻ (itahtam)
s/he hears it so, it sounds so to him

ᐃᑕᐧᐁᐦᐊᒧᐧᐁᐤ (itawehamuweu)
s/he cuts, fixes someone's hair in a certain way

ᐃᑕᐧᐁᐦᐊᒫᐤ (itawehamaau)
s/he cuts, fixes her/his own hair in a certain way

ᐃᑕᑎᓈᐤ (itatinaau)
the mountain looks a certain way

ᐃᑕᒋᐦᑕᒧᐧᐁᐤ (itachihtamuweu)
s/he charges him/her so much for it

ᐃᑕᒋᐦᑕᒻ (itachihtam)
s/he charges so much for it

ᐃᑕᒋᐦᑖᑯᓐ (itachihtaakun)
it costs a certain amount

ᐃᑕᒋᒣᐤ (itachimeu)
s/he charges so much for it (anim)

ᐃᑕᒋᔅᑖᑯᓲ (itachistaakusuu)
it (anim) costs a certain amount

ᐃᑕᒧᐦᐁᐤ (itamuheu)
s/he sticks it (anim) on, in a certain way

ᐃᑕᒧᐦᑖᐤ (itamuhtaau)
s/he sticks it on, in a certain way

ᐃᑕᒨ (itamuu)
it (road, path) leads to; it sticks on in a certain way

ᐃᑕᒪᐦᒋᐦᐁᐤ (itamahchiheu)
s/he makes him/her feel in a certain way

ᐃᑕᒪᐦᒋᐦᐆ (itamahchihuu)
s/he feels in a certain way