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ᐄᔨᔫᐄᓅ ᐃᔑᒌᔓᐧᐁᐧᐃᓐᐦ
Cree meanings
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ᐋᑭᐧᐋᐱᓈᐤ aakiwaapinaau
s/he covers someone's eyes using hands; the bear prevents someone from seeing its den (it is said that the bear lifts up his front paws in order not to be seen)

ᐋᔥᑐᓈᓈᐤ aashtunaanaau
s/he holds snowshoes front and back ends opposite each other (when a person leaves her/his home with a new pair of snowshoes for the first time s/he holds the ends opposite each other because people believed that the person will always return home safely)

ᒌᔥᐳᐦᐊᒻ chiishpuham
s/he makes it filled with food, refers to lump on sound bone of a pike which foretells good fishing

ᒋᔖᔮᑯᐧᑳᐦᑯᓈᐤ chishaayaakukwaahkunaau
bear chin (as a show of respect, when a person kills a bear, s/he will cut a piece of the bear's skin under the chin and give it to the person who will receive the bear)

ᑳᔥᑭᒫᐤ kaashkimaau
s/he experiences bad luck in hunting after sharing catch with a certain person (ex a dog who eats beaver bones means trapper will no longer kill beaver)

ᑭᒑᐱᐦᑖᐦᐆ kichaapihtaahuu
the sunrays are on each side of the sun, sign of cold weather in winter

ᑭᔅᒑᐦᐆ kischaahuu
the circle around the sun is very bright on either side, sunrays above the sun means cold weather

ᒫᐦᐄᑯᔥᑖᐤ maahiikushtaau
s/he does not pile the wood correctly which could bring bad luck in hunting

ᒥᑎᓂᓵᐧᐋᐤ mitinisaawaau
s/he performs scapulimancy, s/he holds the shoulderblade or breastbone of an animal close to the fire to see where it scorches to foretell events in the future (ex where the game is, if visitors are coming)

ᒧᒋᔥᑖᐦᐊᒫᐤ muchishtaahamaau
s/he makes an offering of food by putting it into the fire, s/he makes a burnt offering (when people make burnt offerings it is believed it will continue to bring good luck to the hunter)

ᐹᐦᑳᐧᓵᐤ paahkaaswaau
s/he foretells the future by looking at a scorched shoulder blade, breastbone of bird (children were not allowed to perform this ritual, used to find out where to hunt for big game and the location of people that went to get supplies)

ᐹᑭᑖᑎᑎᒻ paakitaatitim
s/he burps because of it (it is believed that when a person keeps burping after eating a particular traditional food, s/he will no longer be able to eat it)

ᐹᑯᒧᔥᑳᑰ paakumushkaakuu
it makes her/him vomit (it is believed that when someone throws up after eating certain wild meat, the person who killed the animal will have a hard time killing one again)

ᐹᔓᒋᔅᑭᐦᐄᒑᐤ paashuchiskihiichaau
s/he puts up a message stick indicating her/his camp is not far away

ᐹᑖᔥᑳᐧᐃᒡ paataashkaawich
there is a sign on the waves that the wind will pick up, waves are coming in even with no wind

ᐹᑎᑖᒨ paatitaamuu
there is mist in the air that will bring cold weather, usually during spring

ᐱᔑᐦᐆ pishihuu
s/he can no longer kill game because s/he did not treat the animals with sufficient respect; s/he loses respect s/he would otherwise get from another

ᓵᓵᐦᐧᑳᐱᔨᐤ saasaahkwaapiyiu
the sounds from a newly frozen river or lake tell you the river or lake is not yet safe for crossing

ᓯᑯᑯᐦᑖᐤ sikukuhtaau
s/he has hiccups (iiyiyiuch have always taken notice of people’s hiccups, some believe hiccups bring bad weather while for others it is a sign of good luck)

ᑎᐦᑳᔮᓂᐦᑖᐤ tihkaayaanihtaau
s/he lets the cold in (this is also said when a child is seen warming her/his hands by the stove or fire, or wears outdoor clothes when indoors, meaning that it is a sign of cold weather to come)

ᐅᔥᑭᐦᐄᐹᓂᒫᑯᐦᒑᐤ ushkihiipaanimaakuhchaau
s/he throws the first fish caught in a new net back in the water after clipping off the end of one of its fins

ᐅᔥᑭᐦᐄᐹᓂᒫᑰ ushkihiipaanimaakuu
it (anim, fish) is the first caught in a new net for good luck

ᐅᑎᐦᑯᒨ utihkumuu
s/he, it (anim) has lice, fleas (it is believed that when rabbits have a lot of fleas during a given time rabbit will be plentiful)

ᐧᐋᔅᑳᔮᑐᔨᐤ waaskaayaatuyiu
there is a circle around the sun or moon which foretells precipitation, rain or snow

ᐋᑰᐧᐋᐱᓀᐤ aakuuwaapineu
s/he covers someone's eyes using hands, the bear prevents someone from seeing its den (it is said that the bear covers its eyes to keep from being seen, also when a person kills a bear s/he takes out the the small white thing that is located underneath the bear’s chin and takes it home to give to a person to show of respect)

ᒋᔖᔮᑯᐧᑳᐦᑯᓈᐤ chishaayaakukwaahkunaau
bear chin (as a show of respect, when a person kills a bear, s/he will cut a piece of the bear's skin under the chin and give it to the person who will receive the bear)

ᑳᔅᑲᒣᐤ kaaskameu
s/he brings bad luck to him/her by eating the wrong thing (ex a dog who eats beaver bones means trapper will no longer kill beaver)

ᑳᔅᑲᑐᐧᐁᐤ kaaskatuweu
s/he/it (anim) brings bad luck to a hunter by eating the wrong part of an animal (ex a dog who eats beaver bones means trapper will no longer kill beaver)

ᒪᑎᓂᓵᐧᐁᐤ matinisaaweu
s/he performs scapulimancy, s/he holds the shoulder blade or breastbone of an animal close to the fire to see where it scorches to foretell events in the future (ex where the game is, if visitors are coming)

ᓃᑳᓂᐧᐄᐦᑕᒧᐧᐁᐤ niikaaniwiihtamuweu
s/he foretells him/her, prepares him/her for further information

ᐹᑯᒧᔥᑳᑰ paakumushkaakuu
it makes her/him vomit (ex by feeding something, by falling on him/her; it is believed that when someone throws up after eating certain wild meat, the person who killed the animal will have a hard time killing one again)

ᐯᑲᑌᐦᑕᒻ pekatehtam
s/he burps because of it (it is believed that when a person keeps burping after eating a particular traditional food, s/he will no longer be able to eat it)

ᐯᑲᑌᑐᑕᒻ pekatetutam
s/he burps because of it (it is believed that when a person keeps burping after eating a particular traditional food, s/he will no longer be able to eat it)

ᐱᔑᐦᐆ pishihuu
s/he can no longer kill game because s/he did not treat the animals with sufficient respect

ᐳᔦᔨᒣᐤ puyeyimeu
s/he has a vision, clue, insight, about him/her through conjuring, s/he reads about him/her in signs, portents

ᓴᑲᑯᐦᑖᐤ sakakuhtaau
s/he has hiccoughs, hiccups (Iinuuch/Iiyiyuuch have always taken notice of people’s hiccups, some believe hiccups bring bad weather while for others it is a sign of good luck)

ᑑᒥᒑᐦᑯᐧᐁᓇᒻ tuumichaahkuwenam
s/he offers grease to the spirit (by rubbing it on the skull of a bear)

ᐅᑖᒫᐱᔅᑲᐦᐄᒉᐤ utaamaapiskahiicheu
s/he hits, bangs on something metal, glass (frequently used when a couple gets married and people hit or tap on their plates or cups, wanting the couple to stand and kiss)

ᐅᑎᐦᑯᒨ utihkumuu
s/he, it (anim) has lice, fleas (it is believed that when rabbits have a lot of fleas during a given time rabbit will be plentiful)